Italian supercar maker Lamborghini has sold 22 units in 2013 as against 17 units in 2012 in India. Pavan Shetty, Head Lamborghini India said “In India, Lamborghini owners love the brand for its unique values of being extreme, uncompromising and unmistakably Italian. They understand the brand and the experience that Lamborghini ensures on purchasing the iconic super sports car.”
Lamborghini India started off in the year 2013 on a high note by launching the Aventador Roadster in January. The Italian super car maker also expanded its network presence in India by officially unveiling its new dealership in New Delhi. To keep the momentum going, the brand also introduced "Collezione Automobili Lamborghini" - its exclusive range of branded merchandise in India.
Even in a difficult year like 2013, Lamborghini India managed to maintain a positive rhythm. With increased core investment plans, the brand confirms its commitment to a long-term growth strategy in the country. Lamborghini India currently has 2 dealerships in India - Mumbai & New Delhi and plans to open a third dealership in southern India by 2014. The brand has sold close to 90 units in the country till date.
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