March 19, 2014 will see the Datsun Go being launched officially in India with the company announcing its prices. In Russia the date is April 4, 2014, when the first Datsun car gets unveiled in Moscow. Datsun has released a sketch and an animated video of the forthcoming new model. Interestingly, the unveiling also marks the first time in Datsun’s history that the brand would be introduced to Russia officially.
The new Datsun car has been developed specially for the Russian market, but its concept follows the brand’s common global philosophy of offering customers - known as risers - an engaging driving experience, peace of mind ownership and accessibility at the right and transparent price, with a competitive Total Cost of Ownership.
The Datsun car was styled in Japan, while development was carried out locally by an international team of engineers drawing on Nissan’s car manufacturing experience and technical expertise. Going by the sketch of the car, the new Datsun car in Russia is apparently very different from the one to be launched in India. The Datsun Go is a small hatch and the one to be unveiled in Russia is a sedan with a distinct boot.
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