Minister of Power, New and Renewable Energy, R K Singh launched the National E-Mobility Programme in India. In line with the Government of India’s vision of 100% e-mobility by 2030, Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) will issue a fresh tender for additional 10,000 e-vehicles, the Minister announced. The announcement took place in the presence of Secretary, Ministry of Power, Ajay Kumar Bhalla; Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power, Aniruddha Kumar along with Chairman, EESL, Rajeev Sharma; Managing Director, EESL, Saurabh Kumar at the Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti Bhavan, New Delhi.
EESL concluded the first tender for procuring 10,000 e-vehicles last year. Following the successful completion of the first tender, EESL envisions a growing demand from various government departments. The new tender for 10,000 e-vehicles will cater to this growing demand. With these 20,000 electric cars, India is expected to save over 5 crore litres of fuel every year leading to a reduction of over 5.6 lakh tonnes of annual CO2 emission.
The Minister said, “India has embarked on an ambitious e-mobility plan and the government has taken the leadership in enabling e-mobility in India. The National E-Mobility Programme is a step towards ushering in an era of clean, green and future-oriented technologies in the country.”
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