With a new management in place at Lexus India, the company launched the highly anticipated fifth generation LS500h which will soon be available in India at a starting price of Rs 1.77 crore. The Lexus LS500h is now available for booking. The car will cost an ex-showroom price of Rs 1,77,21,000 for the Luxury Grade, Rs 1,82,21,000 for the Ultra Luxury Grade and Rs 1,93,71,000 for the Distinct Grade.
“For those who have arrived in life, the Lexus LS500h has now arrived in India. We are so thrilled to be adding the LS500h to our line-up here. When we think of the exacting standards of the most discerning Indian car owners, we are confident the new LS will impress and delight – through its design, its performance, and the efficiency of the world’s first multi stage hybrid system,” said N Raja, Chairman, Lexus India.
The LS500h takes the interpretation of Lexus unique L-finesse design language to an unprecedented level of elegance. The bold design of this vehicle means that the roominess of a traditional three-box design comes with all the appeal of a 4-door coupe, housing a six-light cabin. Peak performance begins with an all new ultra-rigid Global Architecture - Luxury (GA-L) platform, which provides the framework for precision handling. The only long wheel base model in the portfolio, the LS500h sports a new multi-link air suspension system.
The Lexus LS500h, inspired by Formula One technology and powered by a 3.5L V6 petrol engine combined with a 310.8kV Lithium ion battery, delivers 15.38 km/litre in a BS6 compliant engine. The world’s first multi stage hybrid system offers exhilarating performance and greater efficiency with perfect amalgamation of the electric motor and a simulated 10-speed automatic transmission that enables precise shifts. The LS has advanced electronic controls to bring Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM) to an even higher level. This new sophisticated VDIM system integrates and controls six different vehicle dynamic movements. Technological excellence has also been extended to the entertainment features of the LS500h. Time spent in traffic will no longer be lamented, thanks to the entertainment features of the vehicle, led by a 23-speaker Mark Levinson Quantum Logic Immersion (QLI) Reference Sound System, which delivers near live performance quality audio.
“This is a car crafted for someone who has known the pleasures of dining at Michelin-starred restaurants, holidaying at the best resorts and generally being at the top of their game. The LS500h delivers beyond passion in ways that are wholly uncompromising so that the daily commute is transformed to an experience of epically luxurious proportions,” said PB Venugopal, President, Lexus India.
Source: Lexus India
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